Hope into Action Bromley

Transform Bromley Borough (TBB) have ten years’ experience of setting up successful partnerships involving multiple local churches. Building on this experience TBB has drawn together a number of Bromley churches to establish “Hope into Action Bromley”. Hope into Action Bromley is working with Hope into Action UK and are aiming to see individuals, trapped in relational poverty and homelessness, proactively supported by the local church through the provision of a home and a support network.

Through the generosity of individuals and churches across the borough we have had two properties made available to us. With this resource we are aiming to make a small, but significant contribution, towards alleviating the relational poverty that arises from being without a home.

Current Partners are:
Bromley Town Church
Coppice Community Church
Jubilee Church
St Augustines with St Lukes
St Peter & St Paul Parish Church

The churches listed above are the current partners, however we would also like to acknowledge the significant support from other churches within the Borough in contributing to the establishment of the Partnership.

If you, as a church, are interested in being part of the Partnership or as an individual wish to get involved, please do get in touch.

Do you or someone you know require housing?
Hope into Action Bromley has a referral process for supported accommodation.
Through our supported housing, we enable vulnerable people to live as independently as possible in the community. We welcome people of all faiths and none, all ethnicities and sexualities.

Sadly, we have more referrals than homes available but vacancies do come up so please do get in touch if you think supported accommodation is right for you.

Download our referral form
We take referrals from individuals and agencies. If you, or someone you know is seeking supported housing, then please download our referral form here – Word or PDF format.

Once you have downloaded the form, please can you complete it and send it to our Empowerment Worker at Hope into Action Bromley at: angela.short@hopeintoaction.org.uk

Give to support Hope into Action
If you would like to donate to Hope into Action Bromley, please use this donate button. We will be looking into setting up Gift Aid options in the future. *Payment via SumUp

We do not offer emergency accommodation.
If you need help with emergency accommodation, then have a look at Shelter.
If you are concerned about someone you have seen sleeping rough in London, you can use this website to send an alert to StreetLink.

HiA Bromley Complaints Policy

Hope into Action Bromley (HIA Bromley) is committed to providing high quality services in an efficient, effective and economic way, and within approved budgets. We do recognise however that we may get things wrong and, when we do, a complaint is a valuable source of feedback that helps us understand how and why things have gone wrong and enabling us to prevent reoccurrence. Where mistakes have been made, Hope into Action will ensure that, within agreed timescales, appropriate action is taken to rectify them.  Our detailed policy on how we will handle your complaint can be downloaded here and any you may email your complaint to: hiabromleycomplaints@transformbromleyborough.org.  

Charity Registration
HOPE INTO ACTION BROMLEY CIO – 1200920, Register of Charities – The Charity Commission
