
TRANSFORM BROMLEY BOROUGH represents a number of churches based within the London Borough of Bromley who have chosen to work together on a relational basis. We believe that God is love, dwelling in the community of Father, Son & Holy Spirit. He calls His church to reflect His love for His world through community. We therefore believe that it is from our shared sense & recognition of being part of God’s community that individual churches are able to achieve more when working together for the Kingdom of God than on their own.  Church leaders who want to be involved meet together three times a year for breakfast or lunch to build relationships, worship, pray and move forward together in our vision.


Churches from all denominations and all locations around the borough are welcome to be part of what we are doing. At no point do we want to minimise the work churches are doing in their local areas or within their own denominations, but we know we are sometimes called to look at a bigger area, and for that we need all churches, no single church could meet the needs of the borough alone.

Borough wide projects include an award winning Food Partnership and Hope into Action Bromley, which is a registered UK charity. Some churches are providing Warm Spaces. See the What we do page to find out more.


Transform Bromley Borough began in 2013 as a few church leaders across the borough, wanting to meet relationally and in unity. Over the years the group has grown and developed and we now have terms of reference and a core team to help ensure there is movement and that Transform Bromley Borough can continue long into the future.